Magic Max Hit Calculator

Magic Max Hit
Magic attack bonus does not impact max hit. Only items that
increase Magic damage are included above.
To calculate Eldritch/Volatile staff special attacks, simply
select the staff and any spell.
Toggle Roadmap & Change Log
Coming Soon:
Ability to manually add or subtract from the magic damage modifier so you can experiment more easily.
A major feature showing a detailed breakdown of how your max hit is calculated will be added. More details coming later.
Recent Change List:
- June 8th
- Added support for magic damage boosting prayers.
- Implemented rebalancing changes to Tome of fire/water.
- Added support for elemental weaknesses when using elemental spells.
- Virtus now boosts 5% per piece with Ancients as it should instead of just 2% as it does with other spells.
- June 4th
- Updated all equipment to reflect the new magic damage rebalancing.
- Updated spells to reflect the new max hit scaling after rebalancing.
- May 28th
- Message about Nightmare staff effects only displays when those items are selected now.
- Salamanders were added.
- Magic damage for an item now displays beside its name.
- Change log was added. Updated prior to this date aren't included.