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Magic Imbue

Magic Imbue is a Lunar spell that enables the caster to craft combination runes without needing the opposing talismans. The effect of this spell lasts about 12 seconds. During the time that this spell is active, a player can use opposing runes on a Runecrafting altar to create combination runes. For example, Fire runes can be used on the earth altar to make Lava runes. This spell can only be cast every 12.6 seconds, roughly.

This spell does not increase the chance of success when making combination runes. In order to boost from a 50% chance to a 100% chance of success, a Binding necklace is required.

A Magic level of 82 is required to cast this spell, giving 86 experience. It requires 2 Astral runes, 7 Fire runes, and 7 Water runes to cast.

Magic Imbue
Level: 82
Members?: Yes
Experience: 86.00
Spellbook: Lunar
Type: Skilling
2 7 7

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