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Vengeance is a Lunar spell that reflects 75% of the damage received on the next hit back at the attacker, similar to a Ring of recoil. When this effect activates, the player will say "Taste vengeance!" There are a number of monsters that are immune to this effect. It also is not triggered by damage from poison or diseases and doesn't apply the Prayer drain effect of Smite in PvP combat. The spell can only be cast once every 30 seconds, and the spell icon will be slightly greyed out to indicate when this cooldown period is active. This spell cannot be used in player-owned houses and will wear off immediately upon logging out or teleporting into a player-owned house.

Vengeance is extremely popular in PvP and is commonly used against opponents that use hard-hitting weapons such as Godswords or Dharok's, because there is the potential to reflect 75% of a very large hit.

It is possible to stack the recoiling effect with both the Ring of recoil, and the Dharok's set effect when wearing an Amulet of the damned - making it possible to reflect 100% of the damage received from an opponent.

A Magic level of 94 is required to cast this spell, giving 112 experience. It requires 2 Death runes, 4 Astral runes, and 10 Earth runes to cast.

Level: 94
Members?: Yes
Experience: 112.00
Spellbook: Lunar
Type: Combat
2 4 10

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