Hey everyone! As of today, the website is now running on a brand new platform. Prior to this update, the whole website was built using a custom system. This system works great and has served us well for the past several years, but as we look to expand the amount of features the website has, we need to save time wherever we can.
With that said, the website is now running on a new platform, allowing us to spend more time on tools and less time on administrative tasks. As a result, there might be some unforeseen hiccups in the transition.
If you notice any bugs, errors, or any issues at all - please take a moment to reach out and let us know. It's important that we verify the new platform is working as expected so we can start on the new updates. You can reach us using the contact page or the email OldSchoolRsTools@gmail.com. You can also message me (the owner of the website) directly on Reddit.
Thanks so much for all the support for the website so far! As always, feel free to reach out with any suggestions or comments and I'm looking forward to releasing some great updates in the near future!