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Bones to Bananas

Bones to Bananas is a spell that turns all of the bones in your inventory into Bananas. This spell is commonly used when fighting monsters which drop bones, giving an unlimited source of basic food to train with. The resulting bananas heal 2 hitpoints, making them ideal to use when fighting weaker monsters.

A Magic level of 15 is required to cast this spell, rewarding 25 experience. It costs 1 Nature rune, 2 Earth runes, and 2 Water runes to cast. You must have at least one bone in your inventory to cast this spell.

A more powerful version of this spell, Bones to Peaches, is available for purchase using Pizazz points at the Mage Training Arena. More information can be found on the Bones to Peaches page.

Bones to Bananas
Level: 15
Members?: No
Experience: 25.00
Spellbook: Standard
Type: Skilling
1 2 2

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