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Bones to Peaches

Bones to Peaches is a spell that turns all bones in your inventory in peaches. The spell will work on any bone up to and including Big bones, while ignoring any other bones. It will not work on any bone that gives more experience than Big bones or any other type of remains, such as ashes. Peaches are a basic food that heals 8 hitpoints, making this a viable method of acquiring food when training on monsters that drop bones and don't require a more potent source of healing.

In order to unlock this spell, you must complete a series of mini-games in the Mage Training Arena and acquire a certain amount of points from each.

  • 200 Telekinetic pizazz points
  • 300 Alchemist pizazz points
  • 2,000 Enchantment pizazz points
  • 200 Graveyard pizazz points

Bones to Peaches may also be cast by using a Bones to peaches tablet, which allows any player to cast the spell even if it hasn't been unlocked. A weaker alternative to this spell which is available to any player is Bones to Bananas.

A Magic level of 60 is required to cast this spell, giving 35.5 experience. It requires 2 Nature runes, 4 Earth runes, and 4 Water runes to cast.

Bones to Peaches
Level: 60
Members?: Yes
Experience: 35.50
Spellbook: Standard
Type: Skilling
2 4 4

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